- 并且其不支持不计代价的加速改革。
- And it argues against speed at all costs .
- 对外输电的方案则需要加速区域性一体化的进程。
- Schemes to export power need to speed regional integration .
- 幸运的是,全球化也将加速人类健康数据流动。
- Fortunately , globalisation will also speed the flow of health data .
- 兄弟四人靠着抚恤金过日子,四个人都不会过日子,每天下馆子吃饭,驰大妈让马学武放弃学业到工厂工作。
- Brother four people , four people living by pension will live and everyday restaurant to gallop aunt let maxuewu quit school to work in factories .
- 他骑着马飞奔而去。
- He rode off at a gallop .
- 驰骋在竞争激烈的时代。
- Gallop in the fierce times competing .
- 天资也需要一个优秀的教练。
- Talent requires a good coach .
- 第二,我们指导女性对成功给出自己的定义。
- Second , we coach women to have their own definition of success .
- 机器人应该在口头上而不是行动上指导病人。
- The robot would coach the patients orally , rather than physically .
- 蔡澈坚持认为,奔驰必须始终体现德国工艺与品牌价值,因为这是梅塞德斯对客户的承诺。
- Zetsche insists that benz must always embody german engineering and brand values because that is part of the manufacturer 's promise to the mercedes customer .
- 卡尔奔驰可能会震惊于其发明的不断普及。
- Karl benz would likely be shocked at the continued popularity of his invention .
- 新近推出的奔驰自行车是众多奢侈品制造商一系列附属产品中的最新式样。
- The new benz bikes are the latest in a long line of product tie-ins from luxury manufacturers .