- 因此我问起季莫申科一个更易于辨认的乌克兰文化象征她招牌式的发辫。
- So I ask tymoshenko about a more recognisable ukrainian cultural symbol her trademark coronet of braids .
- 听起来有点像为自己辩护,她向我保证她的发辫是一种家族传统:她乡下的祖母喜欢这种发型。
- Sounding a little defensive , she assures me her braids are a family tradition : her village grandmother favoured this style .
- 身为杰克斯帕劳船长,约翰尼德普(《加勒比海盗》男主角演员)给自己配上悦目的辫子还有用珠子来装饰下巴。
- As captain jack sparrow , johnny depp 's got himself a delightful set of braids and beads adorning his chin .
- 对,扎着马尾的七岁女孩。
- Right , a seven-year-oldwith pigtails .
- 当然,还有布兰妮斯皮尔斯(britneyspears),16岁时的她留着长辫子,穿着校服,欢蹦乱跳地出现在她的首个音乐录像中。
- And , of course , there was britney spears , aged 16 , prancing around in school uniform and pigtails in her first music video .
- 当年17岁的布兰妮在她第一张杂志封面照上有太多自己的东西需要展示,在那张照片上的她扎的是马尾辫,穿的是她标志性的女生校服。
- The then 17-year-old britney had a lot to show for herself on her first magazine cover where , in pigtails and her iconic schoolgirl garb , she finally let the buttons-and her innocence-go .