- 出现这种形态并非巧合,风像液体一样运动,所以当它遇到障碍物时,它必须绕开障碍物,而在身后留下一段尾迹或者可见的波形。
- The pattern is not coincidental ; wind behaves like a fluid , so when it encounters an obstacle , it must move around it , leaving behind a wake or a visible wave pattern .
- 您聚集当今世界上最多最广最大的人气和景气,不管风吹浪打胜似闲庭信步,和平与发展是您热切表达的心声!
- You gather up the world 's most popular and largest economy , regardless of wind and fight the increasingly rising wave of dartmoor , peace and development are eager to express your opinions !
- 翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙;踏波而来,乘风而去。
- Moving gracefully , is as graceful as " a swimming dragon " ; tread a wave but come , by wind but go to .
- 周末又将迎来另一轮风暴。
- Another storm is forecast for the weekend .
- 他们遇到了突如其来的暴风。
- They faced a sudden storm .
- 后来刮起了一场大的风暴。
- Then a great storm started .