- 据费贡说,顶级家政管家年薪可达30万美元。
- Top household managers can earn up to $ 300,000 a year , says feigon .
- 位于该酒店顶层的是世界最高酒吧Ozone。
- Perched at the top level of the ritz is ozone , the world 's highest bar .
- 销量最高的市场分别为巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥和中东地区。
- Brazil , argentina , mexico , and the middle east are the top markets .
- 那么这个提示就是给你的。
- Well then this tip is for you .
- 记住每次至少要给女士2镑的小费,而且要有礼貌。
- Always tip the maid at least 2 . And always always be polite .
- 两人就餐约需150人民币(不含酒水和小费)。
- A meal for two , without drinks or tip , is about 150 renminbi .
- 他们交谈的对象,那些挂在墙上、矗立在地上的是那些之前也在此处学习,然后达到艺术顶峰的前辈们的作品。
- About them , hanging from every wall , or upon stands in the round , are the works of those who came before them and reached the apex of their profession .
- 他们同样指出这使得鲨鱼数量急剧下降,而作为食物链顶端的食肉动物,它们在海洋生态系统中起着举足轻重的作用。
- They also say it is leading to a rapid decline in shark populations pointing out that as apex predators they have a vital role in the marine ecosystem .
- 毕竟,这种情况在某些地方正在发生,尽管这种变化通常开始于食物链的顶端。
- This is , after all , what is happening in other places , though usually the changes start at the apex of the food web .
- 这是一个时代的终结吗?
- Is this the end of an era ?
- 我该结束这一切吗?
- Should I end this now ?
- 监管改革无法以激励结束。
- Regulatory reform cannot end with incentives .