

surprisingly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Not surprisingly , the americans were furious .
- 美国人对此勃然大怒这毫不奇怪。
- Perhaps surprisingly , the answer is yes .
- 有点奇怪哦,这是真的。
- This simple problem is surprisingly difficult to solve .
- 这个看似简单的问题却是出人意料地难以解决。
- Not surprisingly , tourists are a fickle bunch .
- 不用奇怪,游客们是一撮易变的群体。
- Not surprisingly , microsoft views things differently .
- 毫不奇怪,微软看事情的角度很不同。
- But the issue has had surprisingly little political traction .
- 但这个问题出乎意料的很少在政治上得到关注。
- This seems obvious , but it 's surprisingly controversial .
- 这看上去很在理,但却出乎意料地引来许多争议。
- The storm set in motion a massive and surprisingly successful educational experiment .
- 这场风暴推动了一场大型而且出乎意料地成功的教育试验。
- The way gases and liquids mix and move is a surprisingly complex topic .
- 液体和气体混合与移动的方式是个出乎意料的复杂的话题。
- American international group reported surprisingly strong results in the second quarter .
- 美国国际集团第二季度的财报出人意料的强势。