- 不同的蝈蝈葫芦不同葫芦造型而出的不同的音效效果。
- Different des sauterelles gourd different gourd modelling and the different sound effect .
- 音响效果:立体声、音乐厅效果。
- Sound effect : stereo , the reverberation found in the hall .
- 这就是米尔沃德划分语句的方式,他依靠一种定音鼓般的声音效果,如同在为动画片中的翻筋斗镜头配音。
- That 's how myhrvold cuts off a lot of his own sentences with what sounds like a kettledrum sound effect for a cartoon somersault .
- 不过,人们现在仍能在网上找到他的讲座音频。
- Yet his lectures remain available as audio files in cyberspace .
- 不管是通电话还是听音乐,声音质量都非常好。
- Audio quality is superb , both on phone calls and music .
- 提瓦达多嘛尼奇是一名摄影师和声音艺术家。
- Tivadar domaniczky is a photographer and audio artist .