- 自我折磨的目标旨在改善血液循环,排除体内毒素,治疗各种毛病,包括宿醉。
- The scourging is supposed to improve the flow of blood , driving out toxins and curing all manner of ills , including hangovers .
- 尤维纳利斯鞭打女子,插图“尤维纳利斯第六次讽刺,”1896年。
- Juvenal scourging woman , illustration from the sixth satire of juvenal , 1896 .
- 和合繁千夫长就吩咐将保罗带进营楼去,叫人用鞭子拷问他,要知道他们向他这样喧嚷是为甚缘故。
- Kjv the chief captain commanded him to be brought into the castle , and bade that he should be examined by scourging ; that he might know wherefore they cried so against him .
- 底特律当地一家出版社把密西根州州长ricksnyder形容成一个挥动合法“鞭子”的奴隶主,对密西根州黑人占多数的城市进行压榨。
- A local publication described the governor , rick snyder , as a slave-master using a legal " lash " against michigan 's black-majority cities .
- 她们快速又敏捷地将大的树枝抽打、弯曲,几分钟就搭成了三个圆顶结构,女人们将其中一个树立在一片矮而多刺的树木中间的开阔沙地上。
- Quickly and dextrously they bend and lash the boughs , framing an igloo-shaped structure in a few minutes , one of three that will be erected by the women in a sandy clearing among the low and spiny trees .
- 它们可能很快就会感到受鞭打的疼痛。
- They could soon be feeling the sting of the lash .
- 他们存在严重冲突的地方在于,尽管政客喜欢谴责银行家承担风险的行为,但为了让选民高兴,他们也会推动银行家自由放贷。
- They are heavily conflicted because , although politicians like to castigate bankers for risk-taking , they also push them to lend freely in order to make the voters happy .
- 首先,那些斥责奥巴马总统“妖化”保险公司的人需要认真考虑这个例子。
- For one thing , it 's an example those who castigate president obama for " demonizing " insurance companies should consider .
- 该行为特点被普遍用于在宴会上谴责那些闪烁其词的政客们。
- It is popular at dinner parties to castigate politicians for their euphemisms and evasions .