- 对肥胖患者来讲,leroux医生发现,在很多情况下,他们的激素的浓度较瘦的人非常不同。
- For many obese patients , dr le roux has found that concentrations of hunger hormones are in many cases significantly different from those in thin people .
- 路斯上校、莉薇法官有何可为你们效劳的吗?
- Colonel roux , judge livi.what can I do for you ?
- 洛克斯:我也许应该警告你,你与我们交朋友,就是跟其他人交恶。
- Roux : I should probably warn ya : you make friends with us , you make enies with everyone else .
- 合适的菜谱可以包括早餐一杯番茄汁,晚点再吃一点色拉或者午餐喝番茄汤,晚餐吃些拌番茄酱的面食。
- Possible menus include a glass of tomato juice with breakfast and a salad later or tomato soup for lunch and pasta with a tomato sauce for dinner .
- 面食是那些食物中不会让你立刻有饱腹感的的一种;你最终可以吃几盘满满的和测试你饮食份量的极限。
- Pasta is one of those foods you do not feel " full " right away ; you can end up having a couple of plates full and go over your serving size limit .
- 用3大勺香蒜和意大利面条与一号肉汤熬成面汤。
- Italian stir 3 tbsp pesto and 1 c cooked pasta into the finished soup .