- 人脑的运行功率为12瓦,比电冰箱灯的使用功率还要低。
- Your brain runs on 12 watts of power less than that use by a refrigerator light .
- 否则将不可能发明电冰箱。
- Otherwise it would be impossible to build a refrigerator .
- 它在全面运转时,看上去像一台冰箱。
- It 's fully operational , but looks like a refrigerator .
- 打开你冰箱里装水果的那一格。
- Reach for the fruit drawer of your fridge .
- 把晾凉的的蛋奶液放进冰箱冷冻。
- Put the cold egg milk in the fridge .
- 我把所有的胶卷都放在冰箱里藏着。
- I store all of my film in the fridge .
- 我们的新规定就是把额外的食物放在楼下的冰箱里。
- Our new policy is to put the additional food away in the freezer downstairs .
- 忘记把食品从冰柜取出
- Taking food out of the freezer
- 我们将啤酒再放进冰柜,把所有的椅子都搬进屋。
- We put the beers back in the freezer and bring all the chairs inside .