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gemstone 变化形式

复数: gemstones
所属分类: TOEFL

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As with the birthstone tradition , a gemstone is assigned to each of the twelve zodiac signs .
Ruby , the common name for the mineral corundum in its red form , is a precious gemstone .
A synthetic gemstone , even though it is a more perfect crystal than its natural counterpart , is worth less because the bragging rights associated with owning it are lower .
Deutsche bank itself lost a large part of the remaining $ 400 million of gemstone 7 that it couldn 't unload on investors , though it tried hard to do so .
The psi report describes how both s & p and moody 's had given low , subinvestment-grade ratings to one third of the assets in gemstone 7 .
Today , the $ 700 million of investments in gemstone 7 that deutsche bank sold to clients are worthless .
In the case of gemstone , prosecutors could charge salespeople with committing fraud because they knew the securities they were selling carried risks that their investors did not understand and could not have understood from the limited information provided them .
Gemstone 7 was a collateralized debt obligation , or cdo , essentially a pool of subprime mortgage securities , some portions of which are given high ratings by ratings agencies because they are first in line to receive interest payments from the mortgage holders .
Korean artist park seo-bo takes off his jaunty bowler hat . A ring on his hand with a purple gemstone the size of a small chicken egg catches the light of a late winter afternoon .
If the mineral is beautiful , durable and rare , it is often considered a gemstone .