- 发明了极具观赏性和艺术性的陶器。
- Highly ornamental and artistic pottery was created .
- 他们定居情况的依据被发现用于庆典的杂乱的刻有图案的陶器遗址中。
- Evidence of their settlement is found in the remains of intricately patterned pottery used for rituals .
- 她开始在公寓的门廊出售她的陶器以支付她在附近一个工作室的学习费用。
- She started selling pottery from the stoop of her apartment to pay for college classes at a studio nearby .
- 除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满陶器,而且大部分都已破碎。
- Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger , the box was full of crockery , much of it broken .
- 过去,皇家婚礼庆祝用的店售陶器和亚麻布款式刻板且庄严。
- For the royal weddings of the past , the celebratory crockery and linen in shops was starchy and deferential .
- 纳米技术加强了产品的功能,比如让绷带有助于伤口愈合,让引擎运转更有效率,以及让陶器更易清洁。
- Nanotechnology is giving products enhanced features , such as bandages that help heal cuts , engines that run more efficiently and crockery that cleans more easily .
- 艾哈迈达巴德,印度:一个制陶工人整理陶盆以便在阳光下晒干。
- Ahmedabad , india : a potter arranges earthenware pots to dry in the sun
- 对众多的施瓦茨小便池讽刺之一是,他们精心设计的斯泰格茨照片为蓝本陶器雕塑“原始”。
- One of the many ironies of the schwarz urinals is that they are carefully crafted earthenware sculptures modelled on the stieglitz photo of the " original " .