- 泰瑟枪用爆裂的高压电使人失去能力,警察得以制服人们又不会造成永久伤害。
- Tasers disable people with bursts of high-voltage electricity , allowing police to subdue them without lasting injury .
- 万幸的是,它并不打算制服人类,而是准许其更好地管理周围环境。
- Fortunately , it is not intended to subdue humans , but to allow them to control their environments better .
- 他们称,不得已之下只能用武力制服了他,因此他们的行为符合《刑事罪行法》(crimesact)。
- They said they only used reasonable force to subdue him and that their actions were in compliance with the crimes act .
- 你以为一个快速的刷牙就能击败这些细菌?
- You think a quick brush over the teeth is going to vanquish them all ?
- 自有文明史以来,人以他的智慧进行科学创新,不断改造自然,征服自然以服务于自己的福祉。
- Since has its history of civilization , a person with his wisdom has conducted scientific innovation , change and vanquish nature constantly to serve our well-being .
- 就像其它企业一样,队伍都想战胜它们的对手,但不希望它们彻底消失,因为如果没有适当的竞争,体育运动的吸引力就将衰减。
- Like other businesses , teams want to vanquish their rivals-but not to obliterate them , since without proper contests the sport 's appeal wanes .
- 人民币升值可以降低进口商品价格,从而有助于抑制通货膨胀。
- A stronger yuan can help tame inflation by reducing the price of imports .
- 而这其中一些的恐惧是有蓄意的,因为政府尝试放缓快速发展的房地产繁荣、抑制通货膨胀。
- Some of that was intentional , as the government tried to slow a rapid real estate boom and tame high inflation .
- 但增加的供应不太可能满足强劲的需求,也无法抑制不断上涨的大宗商品价格。
- The expansion , though , is unlikely to be enough to meet robust demand and tame rising commodity prices .