- 那些已经适应闷热气候的物种正身陷全球变暖的险境,而这一点就不是那么明显了。
- What may be less obvious is that species already adapted to sultry conditions are at dire risk from global warming .
- 女士们会挎上与自己最好的睡衣相配的手包去逛商店;在闷热的街道上,老年男子会只穿着条平角短裤。
- Ladies match a handbag to their best pjs , for a trip to the shops ; old men wear only boxer shorts in the sultry streets .
- 今天是假日,屋子里很闷热,街道上的风将灰尘团团卷起,又把行人的帽子吹落地。
- It was sultry indoors , while in the street the wind whirled the dust round and round , and blew people 's hats off .
- 这取决于天气有多闷热潮湿。
- It all depends on how muggy it is .
- 在这个闷热的下午,艾伦格林斯潘启程返回他心爱的数据矿井的深处。
- Alan greenspan is driven off through the muggy afternoon , back to descend into the depths of his beloved data mines .
- 尽管如此,数百万人在闷热天气里享受过大量干燥的冷风后,都会不愿意抛弃干燥的冷风。
- For all that , the millions who have experienced the invigorating blast of cold , dry air on a hot muggy day will be loth to abandon it .
- 海湾地区的男人穿的是白色的棉花和丝绸衣服,这种纯色的衣服隔热效果非常好,而为什么要女人穿闷热的聚酯纤维?
- Why is it that men 's clothes in the gulf are white , the colour of purity , and made of cotton and silk and therefore perfectly adapted to the heat , whereas the women have to swelter in black polyester ?
- 他经常在酷热下工作。
- He often work in a swelter .
- 当1999年夏季的酷热普照了桂林阳朔的天空。
- In the summer of 1999 , as the swelter hot summer sky shine guilin yangshuo .