- 新华社报道称,现年35岁的王秀杰在东北城市长春被拘留,此前警方对他从事未经批准的投资咨询进行调查。
- Wang xiujie , 35 , was arrested in the north-eastern city of changchun after an investigation into his unauthorised investment consulting business , xinhua news agency reported .
- 韩博士的研究始于在大学所在的长春市内的宠物店内寻找各种蝎子。
- Dr han 's investigations began by scouring the pet shops of changchun , where the university is located , for scorpions .
- 加拿大政府已请求澄清,为什么22名加拿大学生在上周六抵达吉林长春后,就被隔离在一家宾馆内。
- The canadian government has requested clarification over why 22 canadian students were quarantined in a hotel last saturday upon their arrival in the city of changchun in jilin province .
- 委托代理人:王文君,吉林由正律师事务所律师。
- Attorney : wang wenjun , lawyer of jilin youzheng lawyers office .
- 委托代理人:田大原,吉林衡丰律师事务所律师。
- Attorney : tian dayuan , lawyer of jilin hengfeng lawyers office .
- 然而吉林与许多内地城市消费者的选择,只能局限于肮脏的国营百货商场开设的数量有限的分店及许多夫妻小店。
- But consumer choice here in jilin and many other heartland cities is confined largely to the limited offerings of dingy state-run department stores and mom-and-pop shops .