- 也许在焊接之前,你就已经将新的电线与小回路机械连接了。
- You may have to mechanically attach your new wires with tiny loops before soldering .
- 任何一个看起来很无辜的组件甚至一个焊接点都可能是隐藏的天线。
- An innocent-looking component or even a bit of soldering can be a disguised antenna .
- 在该公司灯光昏暗的会议室里,一面墙上写着东莞工厂全部3777名员工的名字,还有他们最新的焊接资格和其它技能。
- Along one wall in the company 's dimly lit lecture room are the names of all 3777 of its dongguan-based workers , complete with their latest soldering qualifications and other skills .