- 伐木业损害了约70%残留的森林。
- Around 70 % of the remaining forest has been damaged by logging .
- 当一辆测井车在路上卸下它装载的木材时,结果是一个极其可怕的定位,那就是把终点站2结结实实地送到了顶尖位置。
- When a logging truck lets loose its load of timber on the road , it results in a gloriously gruesome set piece that parks final destination 2 firmly into the top spot .
- 加拿大的季节性产业,如捕鱼业和伐木业,人们通常在夏天工作几个月,然后在剩下的时间就会获得失业救济金。
- In areas of canada with seasonal industries such as fishing and logging , people would often work for a few months in the summer and then collect unemployment benefits the rest of the year .
- 它的玩具是由当地木材制造,而木材是通过砍伐树枝,而不是砍倒整棵树获得。
- Its toys are made from local wood , which is harvested by cutting branches rather than felling whole trees .
- 去年,只有少于2英亩的森林是被非法砍伐的,而2006年是461英亩。
- Last year less than two hectares of forest were lost to illicit felling , down from 461 in 2006 .
- 该方案为各国提供了各种奖励措施,以防止森林地区受到包括树木砍伐、农业扩张和土地退化在内的各种影响,把碳释放进大气。
- It offers nations incentives to protect forest areas from a variety of impacts that release carbon into the atmosphere , including tree felling and logging , agricultural expansion , land degradation .
- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?
- 我父亲是个木材商人,在我7岁时就去世了。
- My father was a lumber merchant who died when I was seven .
- 森林可以提供木材、动物栖息地和淡水,还能储备大量的碳。
- The forest provides lumber , habitat and freshwater and it sequesters vast amounts of carbon .
- 她感觉自己陷入困境,就好像木材公司正威胁着她一样。
- She felt trapped , as if the lumber company was trying to constrain her .