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- But while washington insiders gossiped-one joke had it that when woodrow proposed , edith was so surprised that she fell out of bed-the public remained unaware of the liaison until the engagement was announced .
- 不过,在华盛顿局内人中流传的绯闻那个笑话称,伊迪丝在伍德罗建议她将床扔掉时十分惊讶直到他们宣布订婚也未使公众联想到私通。
- Among its residents : 86-year-old edith hink of naples who passed away last year .
- 在陵园中:86岁的意大利那不勒斯的edithhink去年去世。
- Two wounded foreign journalists , frenchwoman edith bouvier and briton paul conroy , are believed to be still in baba amr .
- 两名受伤的外国记者,法国人伊迪丝波维尔(edithbouvier)和英国人保罗康罗伊(paulconroy),相信还在在巴巴阿姆鲁。
- They can also sing without faulting on any words , and edith wharton tells us that henry james chose to chant his favorite poems to friends .
- 有些人在唱歌时不会卡壳,伊迪丝华顿(edithwharton)告诉我们,享利詹姆斯总是为他的朋友吟诵他最喜欢的诗歌。
- And from one grace to another , grace kelly makes the list several times over , her beauty perhaps best brought alive by the edith head cocktail dress as worn in alfred hitchcock 's 1954 film , rear window .
- 欣赏了这位优雅的grace我们再来看看gracekelly,她可是这里的常客,但最能活现她的美的恐怕是1954年希区柯克导演的《后窗》中所着的edithhead鸡尾酒舞会礼服了。
- But they concede that they are still figuring out some of the finer points of renovating the edith green-wendell wyatt federal building , which was completed in 1975 and is currently 18 stories of concrete , glass and minimal inspiration .
- 但他们承认自己仍然在分析1975年完成翻新的edithgreen-wendellwyatt联邦大楼的一些亮点,那座楼有18层,有玻璃和许多琐碎的灵感。
- Aunt edith 's anteater ate aunt edith 's ants .
- 伊迪斯姑姑的食蚁兽吃了伊迪斯姑姑的蚂蚁。
- Edith wore strange clothes and was widely regarded as eccentric .
- 伊迪斯穿着古怪,被大家视为怪人。
- Violet did indeed work with edith on the real charlotte but later died while edith kept on writing .
- 维罗特确实和伊迪斯一起写过《真正的夏洛特》,但没多久就去世了,剩下的部分由伊迪斯完成。
- French journalists edith bouvier is carried on a stretcher after her arrival in a government plane at villacoublay military airport near paris .
- 巴黎市郊维拉库布莱军用机场,躺在担架上的法国女记者伊迪斯波维尔乘坐政府专机从叙利亚归国。