- 两国之间的边界争端使他们几十年来的关系都很冷淡。
- The border dispute between the two countries chilled their relations for decades .
- 维也纳会议(congressofvienna)以来的两个世纪里,国际社会逐渐发展出一套“游戏规则”来规范国家之间、甚至包括敌对国家之间的关系。
- The two centuries since the congress of vienna have seen the gradual codification by the international community of the " rules of the game " for guiding interstate relations , even between unfriendly countries .
- 虽然韩日之间有着密切的商业联系和人员往来,但由于日本从1910年到1945年曾有过殖民朝鲜半岛的历史,两国外交关系经常陷入困局。
- While business and personal relations between south koreans and japanese are close , diplomacy between the two countries gets routinely bogged down in the legacy of japan 's colonization of the korean peninsula from 1910 to 1945 .