- 康菲石油公司与一家总部位于马恩群岛的小公司3legsresources联手,正在波兰的大片土地上勘探天然气。
- Conocophillips has joined 3 legs resources , a small firm based on the isle of man , to explore a large tract of land in poland .
- 另一研究领域是关于这些有益细菌最初是如何“进占”消化道的。
- Another area of research is the process by which these helpful bacteria first colonise the digestive tract .
- 一些食物能自然产生气体,这会胀大你的胃肠道,就像是在气球里充气一个道理。
- Some foods naturally produce gas , which expands in your gi tract like air in a balloon .
- 企业信贷渠道的运转速度更为缓慢。
- The corporate credit channel works more slowly .
- 该渠道是在2009年10月6日正式启用的。
- The channel launched on october 6 2009 .
- 一条更窄却更有意思的人民币回流渠道也同时开启。
- A smaller but more interesting back channel also opened last month .
- 越南战争时的一条空旷的马路。
- An empty road during the vietnam war .
- 我们沿着这条马路离开。
- I leave just down the road .
- 他微笑地看着她踩着高跟鞋袅娜地穿过马路。
- He beams as she teeters across the road on high heels .
- 把它以另一种方式。
- Put it in another way .
- 第二种方法是什么呢?
- What about the second way ?
- 这就是我们今后的路。
- This is our way forward .