- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- 磁场同样也可以起到阻止过量的纳米粒进入的作用。
- The magnetic field would then be reversed to hold back excess nanoparticles .
- 质量低劣的教育体系和僵化的移民法规阻碍了熟练劳动力的供给。
- Poor education systems and rigid immigration rules hold back the supply of skilled labor .
- 这一组合很可能会抑制数年的经济增长。
- This combination is likely to hold back growth for years .