- 枯季径流条件下断流防治技术是极其复杂的、影响因子众多的、高度非线性映射(因果)关系的问题。
- The discontinuous flow prevention and control technology under the conditions of dry season is an issue of extremely complicated , numerous affecting factors and high nonlinear cause-and-effect relationship .
- 卡乔波、科尔和其他人已开始追踪某种因果关系的蛛丝马迹,这能够提供一种机械的解释:孤独的社会与情感因素可能如何直接影响到我们的健康。
- Cacioppo , cole and others have begun to trace a filigree of cause and effect that offers a mechanical explanation for how the social and emotional elements of loneliness might directly affect our health .
- 由此足见,因果两者具有同一的内容,而因与果的区别主要只是设定与被设定的区别。
- Both cause and effect are thus one and the same content : and the distinction between them is primarily only that the one lays down , and the other is laid down .