- 根据法国的法律很难解雇工人。
- French laws make it hard to dismiss workers .
- 随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。
- Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent .
- 政府修建了很多新学校,但是却连最差的老师都不能解雇。
- Governments have built many new schools , but cannot dismiss even the worst teachers .
- 研究人员发现他们制作的电极充放电速度可以达到现有器件的100倍以上,同时保持同样多的能量。
- The researchers found that their electrode can charge and discharge up to 100 times faster than existing devices while holding the same amount of energy .
- 他们说榕屏厂从2001年开始就采取措施,处理该问题,现在的排放水平已降到政府标准以下。
- They said rongping has taken steps to rectify the problem since 2001 and discharge levels are now within government standards .
- 研究者们还发现即使放电电弧已经产生,他们也可以让它半路改道,也就是说他们可以让闪电转向。
- The team found they could pull this off even after the discharge was already on its way , meaning they could divert the path of lightning .
- 德国并非要背欧洲而去。
- Germany is not about to turn away from europe .
- 保险人通常拒绝为已经生病的人担保。
- Insurers routinely turn away individuals who are already sick .
- 现在我心中有意与耶和华以色列的神立约,好使他的烈怒转离我们。
- In mine heart to make a covenant with the lord god of israel that his fierce wrath may turn away from us .