- 单击:用笔尖轻轻触碰画面相同的位置一次。
- Click : lightly touch the same position on the screen with the nib once .
- 建筑杜绝需要大量混凝土基础,目的在于用简单的施工技术,轻轻触摸就现场.
- The architecture eschews the need for significant concrete foundations and aims to use simple construction techniques to touch lightly on the site .
- 2008年伊始,很黄很暴力这句话被应验了,过去都一直不相信预兆,.
- 2008 Beginning , very yellow very violent this word by come true , did not believe to adumbrate all the time in the past , .
- 许多消费者认为,这是非常有帮助的,因为很有可能将预示问题,他们正经历.
- A lot of customers find this to be very helpful , as chances are it will adumbrate the issue they are experiencing .
- 你会逃离,暗藏起来么?
- Would you run and adumbrate ?