- 不过那并没能保护林和李。
- That didn 't protect lin and li .
- 每次余震都让李女士感到害怕。
- Every aftershock terrifies ms. li .
- 小黄帮着把李明航扶进一辆出租里,但受伤的李明航不久就死于一家本地医院。
- Huang helped li into a taxi ; the injured man later died at a local hospital .
- 缓慢措施是可能而且确实需要的,但一个危急的绊倒看起来并不可能。
- A slowing is possible , indeed desirable , but a serious stumble seems unlikely .
- 竞争对手的失足抑或失败可能是因由自身的低效率或是低竞争力的产品,而并非由于对手的逼迫。
- If rivals stumble or fail , that may be down to their own inefficiency or poor products , and not because they were preyed upon .
- 希望您不要绊倒在假期中你所书写丰富多彩明信片的任何事件上。
- You may not stumble into anything quite that colorful as you write your vacation postcards .