- 这就是贸易战的开端。
- That is how trade wars start .
- 这总会是一个好的开端。
- Is always a good start .
- 但这是一个良好的开端。
- But this is a promising start .
- 尽管债务问题传统上产生于私人部门,但公共部门不能说一点责任没有。
- Although debt problems traditionally originate in the private sector , the public sector cannot be held blameless .
- 克隆体是由同一个祖先不通过交配方式而产生的一群基因完全相同的个体(例如用一株植物的切片进行生殖)。
- A clone is a group of genetically identical individuals that originate from a single ancestor without the need of sex ( for instance cuttings from a plant ) .
- 研究表明,精神的经验起源于原始的人类大脑深层领域-通过与像我们自己的大脑结构的其他动物共享的领域。
- Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain -- areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own .
- 当我们放松地坐在沙发上时,我喜欢发起这些谈话。
- I like to initiate these conversations when we 're relaxing together on the couch .
- 当脂类分解不受控制时,脂肪酸水平会升高,这会引发并加重肥胖和2型糖尿病。
- When lipolysis is unrestrained , fatty acid levels are elevated , which can initiate and worsen obesity and type 2 diabetes .
- 这将引发一些列能将我们引导到正确方向的连锁反应。
- This will initiate a neurological chain reaction that will help move us in the right direction .
- 起初他丈夫感到很沮丧。
- At first the husband was dismayed .
- 乍一看去并无特别。
- Nothing in particular at first glance .
- 起先这一扯谈观点看似正确。
- At first this myth might seem true .