- 为了将这些商品偷运回家,他们会在汽车里藏满货物,仅将一小台电视机留在显眼的位置。
- To smuggle it home , they would fill the car with hidden goodies , leaving a small tv ostentatiously visible .
- 近日,警方抓获一对夫妇企图从香港偷运价值数十万美元的商品从到大陆。
- Recently , police nabbed a couple trying to smuggle hundreds of thousand of dollars in merchandise from hong kong onto the mainland .
- 就在本月初,厄瓜多尔警方截获了一艘潜水艇,藏匿在丛林里的毒贩建造这艘潜水艇就是要把毒品向北偷运到利润丰厚的北美市场。
- Earlier this month , ecuadorian police seized a submarine that had been built by drug smugglers in the jungle and was designed to smuggle drugs north towards the lucrative north american markets .
- 你行李里有什么违禁品吗?
- Is there any contraband in your luggage ?
- 如今,监狱中的违禁品不再局限于毒品和武器。
- Drugs and weapons aren 't the only contraband in prisons these days .
- 逃狱基本很罕见,毒品和其他违禁品也根本不存在。
- Escapes are rare , and drugs and contraband almost non-existent .
- 您知道星战争的贩售私酒版本已经线上可以得到。
- Did you know bootleg versions of star wars are already available online .
- 根据一种预测,这个国家的盗版dvd产业去年有60亿美元的产值。
- By one estimate , the country 's bootleg dvd industry generated $ 6 billion last year .
- 过去人们经常购买盗版光碟和从日本进口的商品,那里面有他们的朋友所不能获得的音乐。
- People used to buy bootleg cds and japanese imports containing music that none of their friends could get hold of .