- 她现在爱上了四季豆和芦笋,也开始喜欢上了牛排。
- She 's now a fan of green beans and asparagus . She has learned to love steak .
- 绿色蔬菜烹饪6到7分钟后,如青豆、西兰花和芦笋等就会失去鲜亮的颜色以及清脆的质感。
- Vegetables such as green beans , broccoli , and asparagus lose their bright color-and crisp texture , for that matter-after six or seven minutes of cooking .
- 当我们烘烤四季豆的时候,还要照看着小孩,结果蔬菜在烤箱里时间太长了。
- While baking some green beans , we got occupied with baby , and left the veggies in the oven too long .