- 只有穿过理解的山谷才能到达。
- It is through the valley of understanding .
- 保守派的加州人能在橙县或中央谷找到自己的居住地。
- Conservative californians can find refuge in orange county or the central valley .
- 仅swat谷,就有29座桥被洪水冲走。
- In the swat valley alone , 29 bridges have been swept away .
- 高粱是非洲最重要的谷物。
- Sorghum is an important grain for africa .
- 为何银行业和谷物仓储业被区别对待?
- Why aren 't banks treated like grain elevators ?
- 防风林在保护粮食作物方面极具价值。
- Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops .
- 小米中所含的维生素b1和b2分别高于大米1.5倍和1倍,其蛋白质中含较多的色氨酸和蛋氨酸。
- Millet contained vitamin b1 and b2 , respectively , 1.5 times higher and one times than that of rice . It 's proteins containing tryptophan and methionine .
- 在华南,稻米价格分为五级到更多级别不等;在华北,包括小麦、粟和高粱在内的谷物分为五等七级。
- In the south , as many as five or more different grades of rice were included . In north china , five to seven grains were reported , including wheat , millet , and sorghum .
- 根据科学家们在《自然》杂志上发表的内容这些面条是用小米做的与现在的用面粉做的面条有所不同。
- Scientists tell the journal nature that the noodles were made using grains from millet grass - unlike modern noodles , which are made with wheat flour .
- 休息了几小时后我们沿着村里的梯田向下走到峡谷中去。
- After relaxing a couple of hours we walked down through the village terraces to the gorge .
- 它占地大约700平方公里(270平方英里)并且由2个部分组成:黄龙和穆尼峡。
- It covers an area of about 700 square kilometers ( 270 square miles ) and has two parts : huang long and muni gorge .
- 青龙峡有连绵的群山、水库和可以追溯到明朝的长城,秀丽的景色引来了众多城市居民。
- Qinglong gorge , with its range of mountains , reservoirs and great wall relics dating back to the ming dynasty , attracts city dwellers eager for a change of scenery .
- 淡水河谷在炼钢业务上能有什么竞争优势呢?
- What competitive advantages in steelmaking does vale offer ?
- 大选过后,淡水河谷将出台新的投资计划。
- After the election vale will unveil new investment plans .
- 我通过持有freeport,valeandpeabodycoal这些公司的股票,而拥有了铜,铁矿石还有煤炭。
- I own copper , iron ore pellets and coal by proxy through freeport , vale and peabody coal .
- 在亚洲,每公顷稻田产出的大米可够养活27个人。
- Every hectare of paddy fields in asia provides enough rice to feed 27 people .
- 同样,稻农只要时不时充分灌溉稻田就可以大幅减少用水量。
- Similarly , rice farmers can sharply cut water consumption by flooding paddy fields only some of the time .
- 一些学者认为,日本对内幕者的推崇来源于日本的稻田间。
- The cult of the insider in japan is rooted in its paddy fields , some scholars argue .