As barefoot women in traditional gauzy white shawls slipped past , I stood there thinking : when did this thing land here ?
Eventually , it seems , every senseless waste of life gets its own gauzy tear-jerker .
He can be a ruthless leader , and he has mastered all the tricks of modern politics ( focus groups , sound bites , branding ) , but he uses them mostly in pursuit of his gauzy communitarian vision .
And when it comes to the broader geopolitical picture , the world of the future looks even more like a zero-sum game , despite the gauzy rhetoric of globalization that comforted the last generation of american politicians .
The moon sheds her liquid light silently over the leaves and flowers , which , in the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond , look as if the had just been bathed in milk , or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood .
Today it is a prime tourist attraction , staging a mock wedding every 30 minutes with a rack of costumes for hire ( evening dress for the men , gauzy dance frocks for their wives ) , and the wedding march blaring across the valley from loudspeakers on the roof .