- 萨瓦是迪洛矮人社会中最有权威的实体:为氏族做决定,完全控制其他阶层。
- The sava is the most powerful entity in derro society ; making most of the clan 's decisions and wielding complete control over the other castes .
- 同时,叙利亚权利组织萨瓦西亚当天表示,镇压活动开始以来,政府逮捕了至少500人。
- Meanwhile , the syrian rights group , said the day of the sava west asia , the repression began , the government arrested at least 500 people .
- 萨瓦尔米说,阿卜耶伊地区已经变成了“战区”,苏丹政府军保留对这次袭击做出反应的权利。
- Sava deer said abyei region has become a " theater " , the sudan government forces retain the right to respond to the attack .