- 但是东陶公司能否成功劝说西方消费者们也变得现代起来呢?
- But can toto persuade western consumers to modernise too ?
- 默克尔女士不会总是占上风,也经常不能成功劝服对方。
- Mrs merkel does not always prevail and often fails to persuade .
- 奥巴马的助手们说,奥巴马将努力让选民相信,罗姆尼在介绍自己的立场时不够真诚。
- He will try to persuade voters that mr. romney has been disingenuous in presenting his positions , aides said .
- 也有一些本地人不那么容易被说服。
- Some locals have been harder to convince .
- 很明显,我不能说服每个人。
- It 's clear I can 't convince everyone .
- 在目前这种时期,希望不可能说服市场。
- Hope cannot convince markets at times like these .