- 招生官员有很高的领悟能力并且能看穿那些“大有来头”却没质的推荐信。
- Admissions people are very savvy and can see through the ' big-titled ' recommendation with little substance .
- 德国的纳税者们开始看透这一诡计并开始担心更多的损失。
- German taxpayers will begin to see through this scheme and become afraid of further losses .
- 尽量充实你在这一方面的知识,但是不要试图成为专家他会立即识破你,只要了解一些基本常识就可以了。
- Brush up on your knowledge of these but don 't try to become an expert - he will see through this immediately just understand the fundamentals .
- 他们穿透活体组织对细胞造成严重的伤害。
- They penetrate living tissue and cause severe damage to cells .
- 这些记录下来的电极存储在一个头盖帽里,并不会渗透到皮肤里。
- The recording electrodes can be carried by a skull cap , and nothing has to penetrate the skin .
- 但如果普通发水不能渗透到我们发根生长的地方--即发囊,那我们该怎么办?
- But if regular shampoo can 't penetrate the hair follicles where our roots grow , what are we supposed to do ?