- 他终将被迫向政府寻求休战或者是一种比较友善的谅解。
- He will eventually be forced to seek a truce or a more cordial entente with the government .
- 这标志着这一长期的外交战将进入休战阶段。
- This marks another phase of a truce in a protracted diplomatic war .
- 例如,经常强调的,《古兰经》中“无论在哪发现异教徒皆可格杀勿论”这一命令与一个特殊的历史背景息息相关,在当时的背景中,第一批穆斯林教徒被一群签署休战协定的异教徒分子出卖。
- For example , it is often stressed that the koran 's injunction to " slay the unbeliever wherever you find him " relates to a specific historical context , in which the first muslims were betrayed by a pagan group who had signed a truce .