- 我的面前摆着下一个谜题要去解答。
- I had the next mystery to solve .
- 生气不能解决任何问题。
- It does not solve anything .
- 如何解决失眠的问题?
- How to solve insomnious problem ?
- 她的恐惧转为了坚定的决心。
- Her fear turned to a firm resolve .
- 你们是如何解决的呢?
- How did you resolve it ?
- 毫不动摇的决心也许是得不到的。
- Unwavering resolve may not be available .
- 这样还能解决碳足迹的问题。
- That would also settle the carbon footprint .
- 法院则负责解决争端。
- Courts are to settle disputes .
- 要在一个地方定居下来需要充足的粮食,因此谷仓的发明也在情理之中。
- To settle down in one place requires a reliable food supply , so the discovery of granaries is no surprise .
- 我必须完成在缝制的这件衣服。
- I must finish off this dress I 'm making .
- 我们将会添加更多的小东西来结束我们奇幻照片的制作。
- We are going to add a few more little things to finish off our space landscape .
- 勃艮第桉树和小麦茎干掉这个惊人花束。
- Burgundy eucalyptus and wheat stems finish off this stunning bouquet .