- 为什么不多放一些精选书目在大厅里呢?
- And why not put some more , selected books down in the lobby ?
- 德国国家图书馆是在保存那些精选出的网站,而罚款只是作为最后的手段。
- The library was saving a selected number of websites and the fines were there only as a last resort .
- 除此之外,我们时常为非营利机构设置专题并将一些精选机构推荐给数以万计的买家和卖家。
- Beyond that , we often feature nonprofits and promote selected organizations to millions of buyers and sellers .
- 一些广告也参和了进来宝马每年都会出一则虚假广告。
- Some companies get in on the act too - bmw run a spoof advert every year .
- 一旦你深入进去,你就知道你不会再把这本书放下。
- Once you get in deep enough you know you could never put this book down .
- 你们刚进这个镇吗?
- Did you just get in town ?