- 即使巨额补贴也无法扭转这一趋势。
- Even a vast subsidy cannot reverse that .
- 每加仑45美分的补贴仍然在执行。
- The subsidy of 45 cents per gallon remains .
- 一旦你发了一次补助,他说,你总是很难撤消它了。
- Once you have given a subsidy , he says , it is always hard to withdraw it .
- 我曾经服务于一家公司,员工的伴侣参加这类活动时可以得到小额津贴。
- I once worked for a company where partners were paid a small allowance for such events .
- 如果没有任何重量补贴的话,梅塞德斯所产的每辆车大约会被征收5500欧元。
- Without any weight allowance , the existing mercedes fleet would attract a penalty of about euro 5500 a vehicle .
- 因为戈尔丁曾表示,上任政府给予拉提波迪埃的薪水和住房补贴过高。
- Mr golding has complained about mr latibeaudiere 's generous salary and housing allowance , granted by the previous government .