- assange的下落如今是个谜。
- Assange 's whereabouts were unknown today .
- 他们的父母会调查他们的行踪并实施宵禁吗?
- Did their parents check up on their whereabouts and set curfews ?
- 巴基斯坦否认知道本拉登的行踪,也否认为其提供庇护。
- Pakistan denies it knew of bin laden 's whereabouts or sheltered him .
- 这会影响你的行为么?
- Would that change your behaviour ?
- 住在海边可以使得我们有两种不同的表现。
- Living by the sea inspires two different sorts of behaviour .
- 但8年之后因为表现良好他被释放。
- He was released after just eight , for good behaviour .
- 你的言语和行为至关重要。
- How you conduct yourself is important .
- 它将监控英特尔未来的行为。
- It is to monitor future conduct .
- iarc的专家组没有进行新的研究。
- The iarc panel did not conduct new research .