- 短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。
- Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms .
- 在镜头里,时装模特们看起来瘦得令人担忧。
- On camera , fashion models look worryingly thin .
- 难怪你会这么瘦,你吃得好少啊。
- No wonder you 're so thin , you eat so little .
- 突然,一个红色警告灯亮了。
- Suddenly , a red warning light turned on .
- 让你的拍摄对象置身光线中。
- Place your subject facing the light .
- 我们的街道在信号灯的另一边。
- Our street is beyond the traffic light .
- 我们走进一顶帐篷,里面亮着荧光灯,轻薄的折叠桌上放置着笨重庞大的电子仪器。
- We walked into the tent , which was filled with fluorescent lights and bulky electronic equipment set on flimsy foldout tables .
- 这种植物的卷须挂在天花板上就像轻薄的枝形吊灯,蜜蜂和苍蝇都围在“腐烂”的灯泡周围。
- The plant 's tendrils now hung from their ceilings like flimsy chandeliers , with bees and flies dancing around the rotting bulbs .
- 更不妙的是,即使资金全部就绪,这也只能是一层脆弱的抵御。
- Worse , even if it were fully in place , this is still a rather flimsy sort of defence .
- 两个手臂的轻微动作强化了她沙漏型身材的完美造型。
- The slight movement in both her arms emphasizes the perfect shape of her hourglass figure .
- 一个细微的斜角被用来清楚的分隔按钮。
- A slight bevel is used to cleanly separate the buttons .
- 她对脉冲的细微的改动补偿了她窃听所引起的干扰。
- Her slight tweaks have compensated for the disturbances she creates .