- 版权所有2012年美联社。
- Copyright 2012 the associated press .
- 版权能保护你的音乐作品。
- Protect your music with a copyright .
- 现在他正在于苹果公司进行协商,以便得到一些他应得的来自那些设计图版权的补偿。
- He is now negotiating with apple to gain some compensation from the copyright that he owns on the drawings .
- 作者身份一旦确定,适用著作权法第二十一条的规定。
- Article 21 of the law shall be applicable after authorship of the work becomes ascertained .
- 他否认那本书是他的著作。
- He repudiated the authorship of the book .
- 但作者是完全不确定的。
- But the authorship is altogether uncertain .