- 他最喜欢那个药剂师。
- He likes the pharmacist most .
- 如果你接受了这些治疗后大脑开始模糊你就应该跟你的医生或者药剂师反应情况。
- Mental fuzziness after starting these or any meds should prompt a talk with your doctor or pharmacist .
- 可以使用药剂师建议的抗组胺乳霜来消肿止痛。
- You can use an antihistamine cream that has been recommended by your pharmacist .
- 结论:临床医师、药师应重视红花注射液的不良反应,坚持合理用药。
- CONCLUSION : Clinical physicians and pharmaceutist should pay attention to the ADRs of carthamus injection and rational drug use .
- 药剂师给瓶子贴标签。
- The pharmaceutist labelled the bottles .
- 通过对106例住院癫痫病人发放健康需求调查表,了解病人知识需求,采取合理的健康教育形式,因人施教,有针对性分阶段由护士、医生、药剂师共同参与教育,并进行动态反馈,了解其学习效果和新的需求。
- Through handing out health needs questionnaires to 106 hospitalized patients with epilepsy , to explore the patients ’ needs to the related knowledge about disease , and then , according to the patients ’ needs , health education was provided in reasonable modes for the patients with the participation of nurses , physicians and pharmaceutist by stages . Dynamic feedback was received to understand the learning effect and new needs of patients .
- 在“药剂师专柜”,唐从不穿白大褂。
- At the apothecary shoppe don never wears a white coat .
- 他到“药剂师专柜”买了些特别的东西:紫锥菊、白毛茛、洋甘菊茶。
- He placed special orders at the apothecary shoppe : echinacea goldenseal chamomile teas .
- 布瑞克先生从没有过股票经纪人对他来说,他们和医生一样不值得信任所以他到“药剂师专柜”去求助。
- Mr. brick had never used a broker-to him they were just as untrustworthy as doctors-so he went to the apothecary shoppe for help .
- 对医生和药剂师提出更为严格的配药指导原则可以解决过量治疗带来的道德风险。
- Stricter dispensing guidelines for doctors and pharmacists might help deal with the moral hazard of overtreatment .
- 医生会象药剂师一样,担心计算机会抢了他们的饭碗么?
- Should doctors , like pharmacists , be concerned that computers are coming for their jobs ?
- 这些计划威胁到了不同的利益群体,从出租车司机到药剂师,他们都发誓要回击。
- The plans threaten various interest groups , from taxi drivers to pharmacists , who vowed to fight back .