- 如果选择后者,就可能把有价值的地盘拱手让给对手。
- If the latter , they risk ceding valuable turf to competitors .
- 格林无望地往回爬时,肯定想在草皮上给自己挖个坑埋进去。
- As he scrambled back in hopeless despair he must have wanted to dig himself into the turf .
- 这相当于纽约市四倍的草皮面积。
- That 's a stretch of turf four times the size of new york city .
- 不过为什么要盖上一层草皮呢?
- But why cover your car in sod ?
- 原生的草地上栖息着獾和野狼,草皮仍在变厚。
- Native grasses , a natural habitat for badgers and coyotes , still thicken the sod .
- 英国独立党的竞选海报怂恿投票者‘咒骂’布朗先生,卡梅伦先生和克莱格先生。
- The uk independence party 's election poster urged voters to " sod " mr brown , mr cameron and mr clegg .
- 它们的主要影响因素是牧草生长阶段,利用时期和牧草种类。
- Main factors affecting the sward were growth stage , using period and herbage composition .
- 高层建筑像一柄双韧剑,利弊共存,既有节约土地不可代替的价值,又有破坏人居环境的潜在威胁。
- High-rise buildings appear like a double-bladed sward : it is valuable in saving land , but potentially dangerous in damaging human being 's residential environment .
- 花药在他们的长花丝上在夜里出现,并且作为浅灰色的白色的霾早晨是可见的。
- The anthers emerge at night on their long filaments and are visible in the morning as a grayish white haze over the sward .
- 他修整完了整片草地。
- Then he finished cutting the grass .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .
- 微光在草地上轻柔地向前跳跃。
- Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass .