- 买整颗的生菜,它的新鲜度会保持得更久,或者在袋装的生菜和蔬菜的底部放一张纸巾吸收液体。
- Buy whole heads of lettuce , which stay fresher longer , or add a paper towel to the bottom of bagged lettuce and vegetables to absorb liquids .
- 歌唱死者的名字吧,他们把我们带到此地,他们铺设铁轨,架起桥梁,摘棉花和莴苣,一砖一瓦地建造闪耀的大厦,他们希望保持干净,在里面工作。
- Sing the names of the dead who brought us here , who laid the train tracks , raised the bridges , picked the cotton and the lettuce , built brick by brick the glittering edifices they would then keep clean and work inside of .
- 滨海想跳在水和整个生菜运行长趾鸟,但可以说蛇没有下来有一个家庭吗?
- Marina wanted to jump in the water and to run across the lettuce with the long toed birds , but who could say the snake didn 't have a family down there ?