- 于事无补的是,莫比尔斯让自己穿着俗气的条纹衬衫上镜头,还在健身房里做着别扭的运动。
- It did not help mr mobius that he allowed himself to be filmed in gaudy candy-striped shirts and doing awkward exercises in his gym .
- 一个花哨的装饰过的祭坛前有三个乐手,人群挤在他们周围我们已经来到守灵地。
- There a crowd huddled around three musicians in front of a gaudy decorative altar-we had arrived at a wake .
- 这就是为什么米开朗基罗嘲讽其在梵蒂冈的敌手提香,称如果其能学会绘画水平就相当好了那些梵蒂冈画家,在米开朗基罗眼中,都是没脑子的善用色彩的画家,俗气的视觉糖果的提供者。
- That was why michelangelo sneered that his venetian rival titian would be quite good if he learned to draw those venetian painters , in michelangelo 's eyes , were brainless colourists , purveyors of gaudy eye-candy .
- 两种色调的映山红的盛开造就了花园里鲜花非常艳丽的花朵。
- Two-toned azaleas blossoms make for very showy blooms in the flower garden .
- 他最值得骄傲的努力是在1976年将石油行业国有化,以10亿美元收购了所有的外国公司并用艳丽的金笔签署了文件。
- His proudest stroke was to nationalise the oil industry in 1976 , buying up the foreign companies for $ 1 billion and signing the papers with a showy gold pen .
- 这个岛屿是加拿大最小的省份,有着各式各样艳丽的树种:枫树、橡树、桦树、颤杨和白杨,它们各自为那里的多姿多彩风景提供了自己所独有的色调。
- The island , the smallest of the canadian provinces , is home to a variety of showy fall species : maple , oak , birch , quaking aspen and poplar , each contributing its own hue to the polychrome landscape .
- 那女孩个子很矮,身材消瘦,她穿的衣服未免过于艳丽。
- The girl was short and thin and her clothes were garish .
- 这就是这些简单眩目的卡片得以存活于技术创新的电子时代一个原因。
- Which is one reason these simple , garish cards survive in an age of whizzy electronics .
- 但是,为谨防这些花哨的小玩意儿破坏巴黎的“文化气息”,巴黎市政厅发起了一场保护塞纳河岸文学灵魂的战役。
- But paris city hall , alarmed that the garish knick-knacks are damaging paris 's " cultural landscape " , has launched a battle to protect the literary soul of the banks of the seine .
- 他讲起话来辞藻过于华丽。
- His speeches are too flowery .
- 允许在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调。
- The playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose .
- 全世界的花衬衫控,联合起来!
- Flowery shirt con of all countries , unite !