- 但是即使夫妇实行节欲也应当了解一些避孕套的知识。
- But even couples who practice abstinence can benefit from learning about condoms .
- 最终,我也没有从巴斯比关于节欲和性行为的时间选择以及以后的性生活满意度的研究里得到什么有新闻价值的东西。
- In the end , I did not learn anything newsworthy about abstinence or sexual timing and subsequent sexual satisfaction from busby 's study .
- 旷课次数无论多少都可能导致我数学的不及格,甚至还发誓要对自己充裕的酒类供应加以节制。
- Any degree of absenteeism would cause me to fail math and to lose my scholarship . I was so afraid of failing that I even pledged to abstinence from my abundant supply of alcohol .
- 同时还有州立和联邦机构的代表们、农场组织、化学药剂师专业社团,甚至有国家和平会议和基督教妇女禁酒联合会成员。
- Also present were representatives from state and federal agencies , farm organizations , professional societies of chemists and pharmacists , even the national peace conference and the women 's christian temperance union .
- 例如,多亏了节制运动,在1830年到1850年间成人人均饮酒消费才从7.1加仑每年降到了1.8加仑每年。
- Thanks to the temperance movement , for example , adult per-capita alcohol consumption fell from 7.1 gallons a year to 1.8 gallons a year between 1830 and 1850 .
- 他本人是一个略有财产而健康状况不佳的人,或许他的哲学以审慎和节制为主就不令人吃惊了。
- He himself was a man of little means and of poor health , given which it is perhaps unsurprising that central to his philosophy were both prudence and temperance .
- 那你怎么予以控制呢?
- How do you take control ?
- 所以我打电话给控制。
- So I call the control .
- 国家管理还有另一个坏处。
- State control has other pernicious effects .