Any degree of absenteeism would cause me to fail math and to lose my scholarship . I was so afraid of failing that I even pledged to abstinence from my abundant supply of alcohol .
In particular , young people often have difficulty remaining abstinent , and women in male-dominated societies are frequently unable to negotiate condom use , let alone abstinence .
Rogers and colleagues used fmri to examine 10 chronic alcoholic patients after five to seven days of abstinence and once signs of withdrawal were no longer present , as well as 10 matched healthy controls .
But in instances where women are at increased risk of preterm labor or have complications such as placenta previa - where the placenta overlays the cervix - abstinence may be indicated .
Abstinence was not a permanent solution ; if I had to turn to fasting each time to reset my relationship with food , I would only be jumping from one crutch to another .
With a campaign called the big noise the death rate had been cut in half through a focus on abstinence education marriage and condoms .
His prescription was to lock the two bears in separate cages for several months to see if enforced abstinence could trigger the instinct to procreate , according to an official with the zoo .
We arereminded again that we need to be skeptical of what we read in psychology journals.just how did busby 's failure to report correlations between other variables and abstinence get past the editor ?