- 澳大利亚提出了另一条路线。
- Australia has proposed another route .
- 然而这条路径充满了艰难险阻。
- This has been a tricky route .
- 玛塔伊想找到另一条途径。
- She wants to find another route .
- 劳拉戴维斯走在球道上。
- Laura davies is walking on fairway .
- 你船正进入航道。
- You are entering fairway .
- 不行,我在球道上像是不会打球似的。
- No , I cannot seem to hit the fairway .
- 信用卡跟踪我的消费。
- Credit cards track my spending .
- 有轨电车需要专用轨道。
- A tram requires a dedicated track .
- 动量能使整个经济结构偏离轨道。
- Momentum can carry whole economies off track .