- 然后慢慢将你的脚踵落地。
- Slowly lower your heel to the ground .
- 合作不到一星期,一把刀掉落在雷的脚跟上,划破了肌腱。
- A week into their partnership , a knife fell on ray 's heel and sliced his tendon .
- 这款鞋的名字叫mojito,整个鞋就像缠绕在穿着者脚上的带子,支撑着脚跟和脚前掌。
- Called mojito , the design consists of a single piece that wraps around the wearer 's foot , forming support for the heel and ball .
- 卡普里莱斯仅仅作为侮辱性的笑柄时,才会在官方的媒体中被提及。
- Mr capriles is mentioned in the state media only as the butt of insults .
- 就像他回家要往屁股上戳的是一块萝卜糕。
- Like he 's going home to stick a carrot cake up his butt .
- 如果换作是我成了笑柄,我不会生气。
- It wouldn 't anger me if I were the butt of the joke .