- 其他人则将聚集在祖科蒂公园。
- Others will gather in zuccotti park .
- 利用每个机会去收集顾客反馈。
- Gather customer feedback at every opportunity .
- 犯人们聚集在加利福尼亚州的骡河州立监狱。
- Prisoners gather at the mule creek state prison in california .
- 他可以仅仅召集起支持者联盟,推进美国的利益。
- He could simply assemble coalitions of the willing to advance us interests .
- 蓄意阻挠的员工被解雇,聚集成群的工人们被粗暴驱散。
- Obstructionist shop stewards are sacked and workers who assemble in groups are violently dispersed .
- 今天,大多数股票都由能够组装一个多元化的投资组合的机构投资者拥有。
- Today most equities are owned by institutional investors who can assemble a diversified portfolio .
- 这也是一次家人和朋友聚在一起的时刻.
- It 's also a time for family and friends to get together .
- 每周腾出时间聚在一起讨论你的工作进步,你的工作流程更加普遍。
- Make time each week to get together to discuss your progress and your work process more generally .
- 把家里朋友、叔叔、阿姨以及邻里聚到一起,给父亲一个惊喜。
- Surprise daddy by calling a get together of extended family including family friends uncles aunts and their families .