- 各个国家必须遵循同样的游戏规则。
- Nations must play by the same rules .
- 人们可以同狗一起玩耍。
- People can play with dogs .
- 使自己完全沉浸在玩耍中。
- Lose yourself in the play .
- 同时,官员们玩起了数字游戏。
- Meanwhile officials play with numbers .
- 巴勒斯坦的小男孩在拉马拉的难民营玩玩具手枪。
- Palestinian boys play with toy guns in a refugee camp in ramallah .
- 可是,审查只是网民网上玩文字游戏的一个原因。
- However censorship is just one reason netizens play with words online .
- 我确信,美国能够并且一定会在这场竞争中赢得繁荣。
- I strongly believe that the united states can and will flourish from this competition .
- 随着格陵兰冰盖的渐渐消退,另有一种经济行为会兴旺起来。
- As greenland 's ice retreats , other economic activity will flourish .
- 一些观察者害怕当印度成功对付克什米尔的民族主义者,宗教团体将会兴旺发达。
- Some observers fear that as india succeeds in neutering kashmir 's nationalist politicians , religious groups will flourish .