That is ironic , as there are now several clear ways of attacking the problem , above and beyond the usual exhortations of chastity , fidelity and condom use .
Although vows of chastity often accompany religious involvement researchers claimed that faith was not a factor in the study .
But the geomancie of maister christopher cattan gentleman got it all wrong because what it says there is that " the topas and the truffle haue power of chastity , and to subdue the flesh . "
Of course if mr weigel 's dream came true and many faithful men and women poured themselves into a life of altruism and chastity , that would indeed bolster the church .
In these parts , a family 's honor is often tied to the chastity and obedience of its women - and protecting and defending the honor of women from verbal and physical harm is part of an ancient code of honor and revenge .
The culture and islamic guidance ministry chose the " veil and chastity day " festival to disclose this narrow range of options , explaining that they were intended to counter a " western cultural invasion " .